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Across the Rift: An Epic Superhero Multiverse Adventure (Heroes of the Multiverse #2)

Across the Rift: An Epic Superhero Multiverse Adventure (Heroes of the Multiverse #2)

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Publication Date: April 4th, 2022
Secret Identity Books
Available for Order


The other side of the story ...

Trickshot is in trouble. Captured by Karos' Fallen Court and held prisoner aboard Karos' warship, Trickshot's only hope of escaping six of the multiverse's most dangerous supervillains a seven-year-old magician who is a bit of a brat.

Doctor Mind isn't in trouble. Guilty over failing to prevent Trickshot's kidnapping, Doctor Mind decides to investigate the real reason Prince Tojas wants the Trinity Blade. Even if he risks his own life in the process.

Busker Burn is looking for trouble. Like Doctor Mind, Busker suspects there's more going on than meets the eye. Unlike Doctor Mind, Busker isn't afraid to make some noise to discover the truth.

This is the other side of the story, where the Heroes of the Multiverse uncover the truth behind the Trinity Blade conflict ... and why they would be better off not knowing.