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Across the Multiverse: An Epic Superhero Multiverse Adventure (Heroes of the Multiverse #3)

Across the Multiverse: An Epic Superhero Multiverse Adventure (Heroes of the Multiverse #3)

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Publication Date: April 25th, 2022
Secret Identity Books
Available for Order


Scattered across the multiverse ...

Prince Karos Malock has gathered all four pieces of the legendary Trinity Blade. With support from the Fallen Court, Prince Karos moves forward with his plans to assemble the Trinity Blade and conquer the multiverse.

The Heroes of the Multiverse, the only people in the multiverse that can stop Karos, has been scattered to every corner of the multiverse. To stop Prince Karos, the heroes must reunite and find the power they need to challenge the sheer power of the Trinity Blade itself.

Time is ticking and the Heroes of the Multiverse don't have enough of it.