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Carl Elliott; White Coat, Black Hat


Carl Elliott discusses his book, White Coat, Black Hat:

Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine

Over the last twenty-five years, medicine and consumerism have been on an unchecked collision course, but, until now, the fallout from their impact has yet to be fully uncovered. A writer for "The New Yorker" and "The" "Atlantic Monthly," Carl Elliott ventures into the uncharted dark side of medicine, shining a light on the series of social and legislative changes that have sacrificed old-style doctoring to the values of consumer capitalism.



"Beneath the white coats and sterile labs of the great American heath care system, Carl Elliott finds a drug-addled, gang-run, con game-sometimes bizarre, often hilarious." --Jack Hitt, contributing editor for "This American Life"

"Enjoyable to read and laced with sardonic wit, this is an eye-opening work that all consumers of health care should read." --Library Journal



In the author's own words...

Carl Elliott prefers to write about himself in the third person in
order to give the impression that he is too important to submit his own
biography. A native South Carolinian, Elliott originally trained as a
doctor before coming to his senses. He currently teaches philosophy and
bioethics at the University of Minnesota and writes occasionally for
magazines such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, and
Mother Jones.  He is the author or editor of six previous
books, including Better than Well: American Medicine Meets the
American Dream
.  Elliott's estranged younger brother ridicules
him periodically at the unfortunate website,
. His attorneys are addressing the situation.


Date: 01/18/2011
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm

165 Western Avenue North
Saint Paul, MN 55102