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Bonnie Blodgett, Remembering Smell

Common Good Books welcomes Bonnie Blodgett on July 7th at 7:30.

What is it like to lose your sense of smell? Gardener and science writer Bonnie Blodgett only realized how crucial this underrated sense after she lost it.

Hear her discuss her new book, Remembering Smell at Common Good Books.   

"She wants us to understand what a big deal it actually was: "Studies
have shown that even sudden blindness is less traumatic, in the long
term, than anosma." I wasn't entirely convinced -- wouldn't blindness
be a greater functional challenge? -- but the book opened my nostrils,
er, eyes. "Remembering Smell" made me glad I can smell not just lilacs
and baking bread, but also sour milk, dead fish and wet dog."--Katy Read, Star Tribune

Date: 07/07/2010
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Common Good Books
165 Western Avenue N
MN 55102