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Secrets in Disguise (Chimera Chronicles Book 4 #4)

Secrets in Disguise (Chimera Chronicles Book 4 #4)

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Publication Date: December 16th, 2015
Stonehenge Circle Press
Available for Order


For three years, my four friends and I have searched through a land that was created by magic hundreds of years ago, existing just outside our space and time. We've seen incredibly strange, beautiful, and terrifying things in Chimera. We've been on a quest in that world, trying to find out why so many magic beings have disappeared from there. Thank goodness for my friend Brady's science-techno-geek brain - it's come in handy fighting monsters, following bizarre clues, and interpreting prophecies of doom.Unfortunately, his super-brain may not be enough to stop the wild magic leaking into our world. It's causing devastating storms and freaky things like birds flying backwards and toads falling from the sky.For the record, when I found out we were going to start searching through an abandoned town, I thought we'd have it easy for once. Shows what I know.Magically booby-trapped houses are way more dangerous than monsters. No lie. I only hope we survive. That's not a sure thing, with acid-spitting doors, carnivorous books, and quicksand floors And somewhere in the middle of all this, I've got to figure out what the heck is up with Brady and my best friend Olivia. Because all their snarking at each other is going to drive me crazy.