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Run with the Moon (Men of Silo #1)

Run with the Moon (Men of Silo #1)

Current price: $12.24
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Publication Date: March 6th, 2015
Purple Sword Publications, LLC
Available for Order


Jamie Ness is homeless and on the run. His father attacked him which left no choice but for Jamie to leave everything behind. He's going as far as his two feet will take him, to put as much distance between himself and his past as he can. His deepest fear is that his father will realize the mistake he made in throwing away the only money coming into their home and hunt for him. Putting distance between his father and wherever he stopped was his greatest priority. After walking for days, it was impossible to turn down a hot meal when Chris Rose pulled up at his side on the outskirts of a town he didn't know. Offering the young man a helping hand was ingrained in Chris. Something to eat, a warm bed, and safety, even if he could only get Jamie to agree to one night. He would have offered that and more to the young man with the shadowed eyes. Except more trouble was looming for the younger Jamie, and nothing in his life could have prepared him for Chris's secrets.

About the Author

Diana Castilleja With more than half a dozen ebooks currently to her credit and her first print book released in 2008, Diana Castilleja has kept busy since she started writing professionally in late 2004. Diana currently resides in central Texas with her husband and son. When not focusing her energy on her family and her writing, she loves to travel and haunt bookstores. She's lived in several states across the south and midwest, as well as traveling to Mexico. With moving every year or changing schools since the fourth grade to her sophomore year, she learned reading was a fast escape. The freedom to read about anything and everything has fueled her adult imagination. She also enjoys romance, horses, and yes, still loves to read. Right now, she's probably attacking her keyboard writing her next book. If she's not, she should be!