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Every Ravening Thing: Poems (Pitt Poetry Series)

Every Ravening Thing: Poems (Pitt Poetry Series)

Current price: $18.00
Publication Date: April 2nd, 2019
University of Pittsburgh Press
Available for Order


"Every Ravening Thing is the most exciting book I’ve read in a very long time." —Chase Twichell

About the Author

Marsha de la O is the author of Antidote for Night, winner of the 2015 Isabella Gardner Award, and Black Hope, winner of the New Issues Press Poetry Prize and winner of an Editor’s Choice, Small Press Book Award. Other awards include the Morton Marcus Poetry Award and the da Poetry Award. She has published extensively, including recent poems in The New Yorker and the Kenyon Review, with work forthcoming in Prairie Schooner. De La O lives in Ventura, California, with her husband, poet and editor Phil Taggart. Together, they produce poetry readings and events in Ventura County and edit the literary journal Spillway.

Praise for Every Ravening Thing: Poems (Pitt Poetry Series)

“Every Ravening Thing is the most exciting book I’ve read in a very long time. At its heart is a profound empathy for human suffering of all kinds, but the poems offer neither solace nor cure. Each feels like a brave experiment that extracts a question from the world then answers it. In almost every poem I feel an unanticipated shock of recognition, which happens only when profundity, clarity, and a fierce allegiance to truth combine in one intelligence. Tough, searing, and dangerous, these are among the rare necessary poems of our age.” —Chase Twichell

"Every Ravening Thing presents a matchless intensity and intellectual grit, a fearless investigation into the world amplified by a vision that is both cosmic and detailed in our common suffering.  This is a brave book of poetry.” —Christopher Buckley

“What is ferocious – ravenous – here is the poet’s driven need to tell things as they truly are, which means it’s not always a pretty picture that she so carefully assembles for the reader. And I love the raucous regard she has for diction: reckless and powerfully inventive and fresh the way air can be fresh.  All of this is held together by a commitment to the music that drives these poems in a way that soothes the ear.  Every Ravening Thing could serve as a warning to all of us about our failures as men and women, and as a celebration of the good we’re capable of doing and in that way is a necessary part of our reading.” —Bruce Weigl

“This is poetry meant to open hearts and change attitudes in fundamental and necessary ways, poetry of witness and utility. It is also often deeply moving.” —South Florida Poetry Review