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Steve Ford presents "Keys to Inspiration: A Teacher's Guide to a Student-Centered Writing Program"

“Like Steve Ford, I believe strongly that writing leads to self-awareness, and that writing belongs in every discipline. These beliefs were the foundation of my literacy courses over the years, and they're reflected throughout Keys to Inspiration. I wish this powerful book, full of inspirational lessons and projects, had been available to the future teachers in my classrooms.”--Barbara Elvecrog, professor emeritus, Hamline University

Student-centered instruction is the buzzword among today's educators, yet the teaching of writing is still very top-down. Student-centered should mean student-inspired, and that's where Keys to Inspiration comes in. The path to a writer's truth always starts with an emotion, and almost all forms of writing contain at least a trace of emotional DNA. This book shows teachers how to align emotion with subject matter, and it offers them lessons and projects (from challenging writing exercises to larger projects, such as memoir, research reports, and editorials) that resonate with young authors. While Keys to Inspiration focuses sharply on content, it contains an instructive mechanics section and an Appendix of unique word lists (emotion-related words, themed spelling lists, and alternatives to "went" and "said," to name a few), as well as a few grammar worksheets. Once motivated, young authors must learn to describe with detail, meddle with metaphor, and mind their mechanics. Veteran writing instructor Steve Ford offers many lessons and exercises that will polish students' narrative skills, and he alerts teachers to the common spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes that young writers need to learn to avoid.

Steve Ford had a great run as a sixth-grade writing specialist with the Saint Paul Public Schools. Starting out, he had no curriculum--only a passion for writing and teaching--but after months of researching pedagogical scholarship and experimenting with his students, he came up with his own unique brand of writing instruction, which has formed the basis of Keys to Inspiration.

Date: 03/18/2018
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm

38 S Snelling Ave
Common Good Books
St Paul, MN 55105
United States